CA2: Enviromental issues.

Part 1. Calculate your carbon footprint!
What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?
The average carbon footprint of a person at Chile is 3,87 metric tone per year. This is so similar to the average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 metric tons. 
Part 2 - Take these Recycling Quizzes.Hand washing dishes can use up to ___50___ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

Only about ____10_____ % of global energy comes from renewables.

True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
False, the appliances use any electricity even when it's turned off.

Can you make paper out of hemp? Yes, you can make paper out of hemp.

Part 3- Video >> Top ten tips for recycling.

1. Use a paper bag for go to the bought.
2. Minimize the trash you produce, try buy to the foud without packing.
3. Before you put the bottle into the collection, smash it.


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